
Wednesday 28 September 2011

Environmental Pollution

A major social problems facing us today is the pollution of our environment.

Our ecology, the relationship between air and people, water and people, or noise and people, for example, it being disturbed beyond the limits.

Many cities in countries all over the world is promoting seriously for a green earth. They are saying,
  • We Green.
  • Time To Go Green.
  • Paperless.
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
  • Act Green for Next Generation.
And Green Carnivals is being encouraged.

Quickly, many quote uncontrollable developments, industrial pollutants, and an increase of carbon dioxide as the contributors to environmental pollution.

Not many might think of this question in depth.

Who are the polluters ?

Marketing has contributed to the pollution problem when the media stimulate desire for products and consumers' satisfaction of wants can be made.

When we go shopping, we want to drive cars, but at the same time we also want clean air and no traffic jams. Forgotten, is the level of carbon dioxide when there is the comfort of sound-proof air-conditioned cars these days. But the automotive industrialists are not taking the issues of environmental pollution lightly and they are working round the clock to change direction. Electric Vehicle has become a suitable option.

Instead of traffic jams caused by drivers, a good public transport system can significantly reduced the prevailing environmental problems. A good public transport system can actually ferry huge shoppers to gigantic shopping arenas at a single time.

Prices of products will have to be increased to pay for the efforts to tame the environment. But this is not going to be good to the consumers. A good public transport networks is a solution and the other solution is online shopping.

Online shopping is not new to the you and soon people will begin to enjoy digital shopping likewise as courier services took shaped decades ago. When courier services began to provide the community with trusted delivery, it was a sceptical view. Today, courier services is becoming of a basic need so much so that new word like 'let's fedex it' is spoken daily across the world instead of 'let's courier it'.

When you shop online, you don't burn gas, you don't make waste, you reduce packaging materials and you don't contribute to the prices increase to counter pollution.

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