
Sunday 4 September 2011

Purchase Requisition

A purchase requisition must be documented. This is done through a form called the Purchase Requisition Form. Different firms design different forms to suit their usage.

In modern practices, departments that need materials, parts, supplies, and so on, send a Purchase Requisition Form to the purchasing department. That department combines the requests of the entire organization and handles the ordering of all needed items.

The Purchase Request Form provide for an exact description of the items to be purchased.

The exact specification or material data of the needed item must be clearly documented. The quantity of the needed item must be clearly written. The department of the point of use must be clearly stated to allow proper costing purposes, and the date of request for delivery must be clearly stated too.

If there is any special requirement, this point also must be documented.

A clear and complete Purchase Requisition Form fenced off unnecessary costs.


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