- the clamping force can for example range from 0 to 8000 kg and the use of the force can be adjusted to suit the material of the work piece.
- the vice body can be made of ductile iron above FCN 60 for high precison use and for its durability. With this specification, such vice only permit shape deflect of less than 0.01mm at a clamping force of 4500 kg.
- the mounting of vices can be vertical or horizontal.
- the side ways of the vices are usually hardened to HRC 50 for further increase in durability and long use.
- the hydraulic tubes that are connected to the vices are of different colors to enhance root cause repairs.
- Double CNC Precision Vice.
- Precision Angle Lock Machine Vice.
- Super-Open Quick Action Vice.
- Hydraulic Machine Vice.
- Precision Rapid Vice.
- Multi-purpose Fixed Angle Precision Vice.
One vices expert is the MEDALLAY EXPORTS